“Leaders of today’s growing and successful companies are those who not only lead, but are also willing to be led.” John Abplanalp
The launch of Tight Lines Advisors didn’t happen overnight. It was the culmination of years of experiences, many hours working alongside a variety of very smart people, and in an array of manufacturing and processing environments throughout the world. However, I do credit this image for serving as something of a tipping point. All too often throughout my career, I have encountered “bosses” as depicted in this scene. The fact is this: it’s very hard to lead from behind, and harder still if you’re doing it for your sole benefit. The exclusion of a company’s many important stakeholders from decision-making has an impact that drives down performance across all levels of operations. For an organization to be truly successful, its leaders should lead and know when to be led. Close collaboration with not only a company’s governing board and management, but also with employees at all levels, to fully understand the shared business vision, aligned goals, and the various incentives ultimately generates growth and creates long-term value.
Those companies that, by all indications, should be performing well are literally held back by a “boss.” What they desperately need is a leader. It’s both my passion and mission to help the companies served by Tight Lines Advisors elevate from “doing well” to “doing great,” and along the way, help develop highly effective “leaders.”
As for the name, those who know me well know of my passion for fly fishing and all things nautical. I wanted to incorporate the positive connotation of “tight lines” to a company’s business practices. To an angler or seaman, “tight lines” implies success or at least setting the stage for success. As advisors, we apply “tight lines” to the workplace environment to identify and minimize inefficiencies, while driving performance and long term value. And when all is said and done, we depart in much the same manner that we leave the fishing area at the end of the day: in better condition than it was when we started.